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NexSys has spent the last four decades forming relationships with UK manufacturers. We understand the challenges they face and have ongoing discussions about how to navigate an ever-changing commercial landscape. Our toolkit of solutions is truly transformative, and our latest white paper aims to shine a light on how ERP can help overcome the obstacles ahead by building resilience, driving efficiencies, and boosting the bottom line.
Chapter 1 – Introduction & Foreword
Introduction by Nick McGrane, Managing Director of NexSys
Chapter 2 – State of the Industry
What should manufacturers plan for in 2023?
Chapter 3 – Real Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is not just about changing technology
Chapter 4 – Sustainability and Carbon Auditing
Opportunities to measure your sustainability with NexSys
Chapter 5 – Productivity
Objectives of a successful productivity improvement programme
Chapter 7 – Future of British Manufacturing
Future of British Manufacturing in 2023 and Beyond
Chapter 8 – Customer Stories Pt1
A sample of NexSys SYSPRO success stories
Chapter 9 – Customer Stories Pt2
A sample of NexSys SYSPRO success stories
What our customers are saying
Learn more about NexSys
NexSys is a world leader in ERP
Enabling positive disruption in companies, which leads to real-world innovation adding value to our customer’s businesses.
Want to see SYSPRO ERP in action?
Actions speak louder than words so why not let us show you what our solutions can do. Our consultants can come to you and we’ll be able to give you a live look at how our software works and how it will help you make better business decisions.