ERP resources for all
Gain a better understanding of manufacturing, distribution and ERP software industry trends and what they mean to you. Browse our library of multimedia, brochures, white papers, infographics and more. There’s something for every industry, every role and every business need.

NexSys Product Brochure
BrochureDownload our SYSPRO ERP Product Brochure and see how this best-in-class software suite helps simplify complexity for manufacturers and distributors.

10 Ways to Balance Your Procurement Strategy in an Uncertain World
BrochureHow SYSPRO ERP helps to create the perfect balance. SYSPRO ERP’s built-in and digitalized procurement solutions make strategic sourcing and supplier management more resilient and responsive.

SYSPRO ERP – Infinite Possibilities
BrochureExplore the key pillars that SYSPRO is built on; industry-built, always on, web-based, Cloud-first and see how SYSPRO ERP can help pave the way towards digitisation.

How to Manage Traceability and Product Recalls for Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers
5 Supply Chain Strategies for Agile Procurement
eBookTo navigate the future with confidence, manufacturing and distribution companies require a different set of skill, a new degree of agility and a more progressive mindset. This eBook provides you with a number of strategies to help you and your organisation be more prepared to mange supply chain disruption.

Guide to Digital Transformation
eBookThis eBook provides you with a practical step-by-step guide on how you can use your ERP to proactively implement various processes and functionality, enabling your organization to reap the benefits of DX.

How to Manage Traceability and Product Recalls
eBookNobody ever wants to be faced with a recall situation. However, when one does arise, the ability to locate the source of the fault AND take immediate action, can make a massive difference to the impact on your business.

Managing Inventory With ERP
eBookInventory management must be an executive issue. This critical business function is too important to be the sole responsibility of the warehouse manager. SYSPRO’s Manufacturing Operations Management Solution incorporates an advanced, finite capacity-based, planning and scheduling (APS) system allowing you to quickly and accurately schedule while minimizing downtime.

Resistance to Change
eBookFor manufacturers, implementing ERP is probably the most significant voluntary change they can undertake. Far from being a superficial add-on, ERP brings deep-rooted, systematic change and with change comes resistance. In this eBook we cover the types of resistance faced, discuss how to overcome them and highlight the immense benefits they bring.

Industry 40 – Chapter 1 The Future of Manufacturing
eBookIn this chapter we address ‘servitization’ and the benefits it can bring. The days of ‘point of sale’ being the last contact a manufacturer has with their product are becoming a thing of the past. Servitization is allowing manufacturers and their customers to not only build a more effective product but a stronger relationship too! This is exactly what K3 customer, G&B Electronics, and business services and document technology products provider, Xerox, are doing. We’ll take a look into how both companies are embracing a servitized business model to remain relevant within their market.

Industry 40 – Chapter 2 Supply Chain Integration
eBookIntegrating the supply chain is critical to the success of a manufacturers if they want to be part of the fourth industrial revolution. In this chapter we will cover the benefits of an integrated supply chain, such as reduced costs, and also a few tips on successfully integrating your supply chain. K3 customer and world leading axle supplier, BPW, provide our case study for how K3 are helping UK manufacturers integrate the supply chain. While our leading practice looks into how global computer technology company, Dell, integrated its suppliers into the ordering process for a seamless configure to order approach.

Industry 40 – Chapter 3 Big Data Analysis
eBookBig Data analytics is the process of examining large data sets to uncover patterns, correlations, market trends and various useful business information that had previously been hidden. This chapter will provide some top tips on implementing Big Data into your business, which in turn will provide all the information you’ll need to improve areas of value for your customers.

Industry 40 – Chapter 4 Robots and Automation
eBookRobotics and automation products are more affordable now than ever before and are a staple of Industry 4.0. We’ll cover the jobs that are created, not lost, as a result of automation and how robots boost productivity, competitiveness and therefore overall margins. Our top tips include: thinking where robots integrate into your existing technology and focusing on added value not cost reduction. K3 customer BPW. Civil aircraft engineers, Airbus are world leaders in robots and focus of our leading practice, going as far as experiments with wearable robots.

Industry 40 – Chapter 5 Megatrends
eBookIn this chapter we’ll be covering the megatrends that could help keep your business competitive for the foreseeable future and will retain relevance with your customers. Our top tips include tying megatrend research and analysis into your strategic review and keeping an eye on the competition’s approach to megatrends. A meaty but easy to digest set of bullet points will cover a variety of megatrends in practice while our leading practice inspiration will again come from Industry 4.0 powerhouse, Rolls-Royce.

Industry 40
eBookWith this eBook we aim to reveal some of the small steps that you can take in your manufacturing business to better utilise your ERP solution, revolutionise your business model, and catapult your company ever closer towards Industry 4.0.

Digital Supply Chain – Chapter 1 What is a Digital Supply Chain
eBookWe discuss what we actually mean by "Digital Supply Chain" and how they are going to change business process in the manufacturing and engineering sectors.

Digital Supply Chain – Chapter 2 Navigating the Technology Landscape
eBookWe look at the important terms, phrases and technologies you need to understand if your company is to be ready for Digital Supply Chain Networks.

Digital Supply Chain – Chapter 3 Are You Ready
eBookWe discuss how you'll know if you are ready to take the next steps and become Digital Supply Chain ready. It is not only the OEMs and Tier 1s who should be benchmarking their progress.

Digital Supply Chain – Chapter 4 Beyond the Horizon
eBookWe discuss what we actually mean by "Digital Supply Chain" and how they are going to change business process in the manufacturing and engineering sectors.

Digital Supply Chain
eBookThis eBook explains in layman’s terms what is meant by a digital supply chain, where the technology has come from and how it is heading towards the digital supply network (although the word ‘digital’ will likely become assumed). More importantly, it aims to provide a clearer window on its implications for UK industry, pointing out the key areas on which manufacturing supply chain managers should focus their attention.

SYSPRO ERP Actionable Insights
eBookSYSPRO ERP’s Actionable Insights improves business performance and drives business behavior by empowering users with business-critical insights for quicker analysis, decision-making and execution.

Orchard Warehouse Management
FactsheetOrchard is not solely concerned with stock location and movement. Powerful rules can be embedded to aid organisations that deliver to their customers on a just-intime basis and/or have sequencing rules imposed upon the content of any given dispatch.

Business Insight Tiles
FactsheetBusiness Insights is an individual performance management tool for all levels of engagement. It provides real-time insight into key performance information and the means to act quickly and proactively.

SYSPRO Harmony
FactsheetBy accessing and relating real-time information, insights and trends through Social ERP, users can act instantly and decisively – helping increase responsiveness, lead times and overall productivity.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
FactsheetSYSPRO’s practical application of ML and AI provides an improved user experience and enables organizations to take advantage of these new technologies to become more efficient.

FactsheetWhat is OData? OData is for customers, third party software providers and systems integrators who want a secure and consistent method of accessing SYSPRO data.

SYSPRO Ken the Bot
FactsheetEmploy this time-saving, automated digital assistant to perform tasks and retrieve information for both customers and staff quickly and efficiently 24/7/365

SYSPRO Avanti Web Interface
FactsheetSYSPRO web interface, Avanti, provides quick, easy access to SYSPRO through a web browser on any device, on any platform, from anywhere, at any time.

SYSPRO Preferred Supplier
FactsheetBy establishing and managing strategic sourcing policies in SYSPRO’s Preferred Supplier feature you can decrease your purchasing risk, improve purchasing governance and ultimately achieve cost reductions.

Return to Supplier
FactsheetSYSPRO’s Return to Supplier simplifies the process of returning goods and services to suppliers or providers and improves the management governance of all items leaving site for returns or repairs. It provides complete visibility of returned inventory, improves record or document management, and provides the ability to return defective goods immediately while removing them from your process.

Supply Chain Portal
FactsheetThe Supply Chain Portal is an interactive web platform that facilitates online transactions between an enterprise and its suppliers and customers. The Supply Chain Portal has been launched with the Request for Quote capability and additional capabilities will be added in subsequent releases.

Product Recall
FactsheetSYSPRO Product Recall gives instant access to all of the critical information required to track a suspect product, throughout the value chain. It supplies the necessary information to identify, isolate and action the activities that need to occur within the predetermined recall time limit. In this factsheet, we provide you with a summary of the benefits and capabilities that it offers.

Syspro 8 for Distribution
FactsheetWhat’s New in SYSPRO 8 For Distribution to Keep You Ahead of The Game

Bill of Materials
FactsheetSYSPRO BOM is designed to ensure your organisation has complete control over the product structure. This module ensures that engineering, production, purchasing and order processing are utilising the same information. The Bill of Materials is defined by the manufacturing process and includes; work centers, labour, tools, dies, inserts, fixtures, raw materials, packaging, scrap rates, setup times, yields and equipment. BOM allows you to facilitate accurate expected costs against which actual production costs can be tracked.

Engineering Change Control
FactsheetSYSPRO ECC module enforces controls in product design with a user-defined workflow that can supplement or replace the paper trail that usually accompanies any product design or chances to product design. Groups or individuals are electronically notified of required actions, accompanied by instructions, comments, documents and drawings.

Factory Documentation
FactsheetSYSPRO Factory Documentation facilitates clear and accurate user-defined shop floor documentation for production operations to be performed and materials to be issued. thereby enabling accuracy and efficient control of production. The Factory documentation system enables you to define up to four different factory documentation formats for various uses such as; job tickets, material requisitions, route cards and travellers.

Work in Progress
FactsheetThe work in progress module allows the material required to produce a product to be automatically merged from the corresponding Bill of Materials. All of the required paperwork to move the job through the shop can then be generated from each work order, including travellers, picking sheets, dispatch sheets and operation tickets.

Projects Contracts
FactsheetSYSPRO Projects & Contracts facilitates accurate profit reporting for long-term projects which require analysis of costs and revenue for multiple sections and levels. The module also caters for progress billings, deposits and retentions. You can define schedules against which progress billings must take place and the method of billings.

Requirements Planning
FactsheetThe Requirements Planning system (with its online Material Planning System and Job, Purchase Order, and Supply Chain Review programs) enables straight-forward conversions of the suggestions from the Requirements Calculation results to live data. It is a bucket-less system which provides the facilities to run 'what-if' scenarios. Variable planning intervals and user-defined planning horizons offer further flexibility.

Contact Management
FactsheetContact Management allows for multiple contacts to be assigned to customers, suppliers and accounts with activities are stored against the contact. Integration with Microsoft Outlook allows email correspondence to be sent and updates as an activity within the Contact Management system. The contact address information is stored in a structure format allowing integration to Microsoft MapPoint.

FactsheetQuotation (Estimating) produces a cost estimate that includes material, labour, burden, and outside services. As more and more services are being outsources to gain manufacturing and cost efficiencies, these costs continue to be an important part of the quoting process. SYSPRO's Quotation module gives you the ability to incorporate vendor related costs and can be marked up as part of your estimate.

Counter Sales
FactsheetSYSPRO Counter Sales facilitates efficient over-the-counter sales transactions by enabling the receipt of payments and deposits at the point of transaction. Similar to a retailer that has a point-of-sale register, the counter sales process within SYSPRO will support walk-up cash, credit card and on-account sale transactions, and integrate the cash draw with end of day reconciliation.

Product Configurator
FactsheetSYSPRO Product Configurator provides a rules-based system, which enables on-the-fly configuration of highly customisable and dimensional products via a straightforward question and answer evaluation. Through the standardisation of this process the configurator can be utilised by multiple people across the organisation.

Sales Analysis
FactsheetThe Sales Analysis system is the focal point for the accumulation of sales data generated from other modules. Sales history is accumulated in a wide variety of user-defined formats such as; salesperson, product class, customer, warehouse, geographic area, customer class, stock code, order type and branch. Information can be displayed in bar charts or reports. Various budgets and targets can be entered based on user-defined groupings. In addition Tax and Commission reporting can be performed.

Sales Orders
FactsheetThis module enhances customer service through fast, efficient order processing and accurate, timely order fulfilment. Maximise your team’s productivity utilising our efficient grid entry design and personalisation of screens to streamline and enhance your workflow according to your business rules.

Blanket Sales Orders Releases
FactsheetThe Blanket Sales Orders & Releases system enables the easy capture or import of a new release and provides the necessary tools to manipulate the release and advise the customer of what has been accepted or changed, and why. It enables updating of existing scheduled orders automatically, and provides an audit trail of deliveries so that disputes over quantities supplied to date can be resolved. It also enables the various tasks to be subdivided so that the appropriate level of staff can be employed for each function.

Inventory Management
FactsheetSYSPRO Inventory Management provides easy access; the on-screen drill down, allows you to access inventory balances, open purchase orders, work orders and open sales orders at any point in the inventory management process. You can quickly and easily find the quantity of any inventory item which is on-hand, allocated, back-ordered, or on order. Additionally, you can see a list of all customer and supplier orders and item information down to the serial, lot and bin level.

Request for Quote
FactsheetThe RFQ module is designed for purchasing agents or those providing quotes to request quotations from one or multiple suppliers of raw materials, sub-assemblies or goods for resale. This process will facilitate the recording, tracking and comparison of all quotation prices and delivery dates received. Ultimately, this improves efficiency and reduces costs by automating the decision process.

Purchase Orders
FactsheetSYSPRO Purchase Orders is an integral part of the organisation's distribution and manufacturing functions. Purchase Orders provides you with the functionality to simplify your purchasing and receiving processes while ensuring greater order accuracy. It enables the monitoring of the quality, accuracy, lead times and cost of purchasing, while providing comprehensive supplier performance analysis.

Lot Traceability Serialisation
FactsheetSYSPRO Lot Traceability is designed for manufacturers that require control over product tracking to achieve compliance and also to maintain quality and reputation.

Landed Cost Tracker
FactsheetSYSPRO’s Landed Cost Tracking (LCT) provides visibility of imported goods through shipment tracking and enables greater control of all associated costs, resulting in accurate landed costs.

Trade Promotions
FactsheetSYSPROs comprehensive Trade Promotions functionality provides increased control and efficient management of your promotions, thereby reducing time-consuming reconciliations and improving accuracy and profitability. SYSPROs solution gives you complete visibility across your internal and supply chain networks, enabling you to accurately target, forecast, plan and execute successful trade promotions.

Return Merchandise Authorisation
FactsheetSYSPROs Return Merchandise module optimises customer service with timely responses to customer requests to return products and puts knowledge in the hands of customer service personnel. Customers today demand an individualised level of service for tracking and resolving these returns.

Inventory Optimisation
FactsheetSYSPRO Inventory Optimisation take an holistic approach to balancing the supply chain by providing visibility and understanding of the different parameters that create and shape inventory. The IO module allows users to create policies that determine how a change to there parameters impacts on target inventory levels. This enables the best mix of services to the customer at the optimum cost of inventory to achieve that service. Seasonal and trend factors can also be incorporated.

Inventory Families Groupings
FactsheetWithin SYSPRO, Families and Groupings refers to the various collections of inventory items classified in a way that is meaningful to your business (e.g. you could classify a filter as an OEM product, a spare, a paper filter, or an oil filter). The need for Families and Groupings arises from a business scenario where, owing to the number of stock codes or stock keeping units (SKUs) the forecasting of individual stock items would constitute an unmanageable workload. It also makes sense to collect common stock codes into a family or group.

Inventory Forecasting
FactsheetSYSPRO Inventory Forecasting enables you to produce forecasts based on sales history and provides the tools to measure the quality of your forecasts. It uses a set of mathematical algorithms to predict future sales based on historic demand and enables you to easily identify those products that contribute the most to your business in terms of sales value, gross profit, cost of sales, quantity sold and hits.

Accounts Receivable
FactsheetSYSPRO Accounts Receivable improves cash flow management by accumulating and managing customer activity and ensuring timely revenue collection and effective reporting.

Accounts Payable
FactsheetSYSPRO Accounts Payable gives you control and management of your organisation expenditures. It improves cash flow, provides timely, accurate and efficient control of invoice processing, the payment of bills, the application of discounts and the total expenses analyses that help to maintain close relationships with suppliers.

Assets Register
FactsheetThe Assets Register system enables you to manage and control your non-current assets in terms of wear-and-tear depreciated, book value, disposals, additions and re-valuations. The information contained in the Assets Register can integrate to the GL or be run stand-alone. You can optionally record costs incurred in the maintenance of assets against the individual asset concerned. These costs can be broken down over a number of expense codes.

Cash Book
FactsheetSYSPRO Cash Book allows optimal cash management by providing system-wide bank reconciliation, as well as tracking information on cash inflows and outflows. Cash Book is part of the set of financial analysis solutions provided by SYSPRO to enable managers to forecast and perform what-if analysis on financial data.

Activity Based Costing
FactsheetSYSPRO Activity Based Costing allows for the accumulation and recovery of costs associated with the purchasing, manufacturing and selling of items, thereby facilitating accuracy in calculating product profitability. ABC is not another inventory costing method but rather it provides a different method of calculating these costs.

General Ledger
FactsheetThe General Ledger is the central repository for collecting and analysing your business information, combining power and flexibility with ease of use, to give you the critical information you need to make timely and informed business decisions and manage your business more effectively. The system's extensive drill-down capabilities enable you to view everything from details journal entries to original source documents.

Cashflow Forecasting
FactsheetCash flow is the life blood of all businesses. As a result it is essential that management can predict what is going to happen to cash flow to make sure the business has enough to survive. SYSPRO Cashflow Forecasting facilitates the effective projection of currency-based cash flow requirements by providing the capability to create multiple online cash flow models from a variety of forward-looking inflow and outflow data such as future receivables, payables, sales, purchases, demand forecasts, material requirements, budgeted expenses and user-defined projections.

General Ledger Cost Analysis
FactsheetGeneral Ledger (GL) Cost Analysis enables managers and analysts to quickly access the transactional data behind GL journal entries and investigate critical cost and revenue information to improve expense management and organisational profitability. Cost Analysis provides detailed analysis of the values distributed to certain categories of expenses; such as travelling, repairs, maintenance, general expenses and donations within a single ledger account. Detailed distribution to analysis categories is enforced throughout the system.

Electronic Funds Transfer
FactsheetThe EFT system improves multi-currency payment efficiency and provides an accurate current picture of your cash flow. Furthermore it reduces the risk of fraud and transnational costs associated with beneficiary payments.

General Ledger Financial Reporting
FactsheetSYSPRO General Ledger Financial Reporting enables the generation of any number of financial statements in multiple output formats to meet the requirements of your organisation.
Download Financial Reporting Factsheet

Employee Portal
FactsheetAs part of the Equator family of products the Equator Employee Portal allows employees to access their personal information directly from a Web Browser. Typically this will allow your employees to view or modify their specific personal information. This can reduce the burden on your Human Resource professionals to respond to routine employee requests and enquiries, and free them from many routine administration tasks maintaining the database.

FactsheetThe Payroll module is designed to provide maximum flexibility combined with ease of use for organisations needing an effective solution to the complex task of payroll administration. Equator is continually developed to reflect the latest statutory changes as they are introduced.

Time Attendance
FactsheetEquator's Time & Attendance solution allows the electronic capture of time and attendance details for any number of employees, via industrial and low-cost time clocks or PC based time clock emulator software, using bar-code, magnetic proximity, biometric fingerprint or touch screen technology. The system also allows data to be captured from standard PDAs using Bluetooth wireless.

FactsheetEquator's Personnel solution from K3 provides an effective solution to an organisation's human resource requirements. Decision making is made credible and harnesses employee management and set objectives. Employee details, recruitment, induction, job objectives, reviews, training, skills, health & safety, career paths, holidays and absences, medical details and accident recording are all catered for, enabling comprehensive personnel administration.

Shop Floor Data Collection
FactsheetThe SFDC module enables information from the factory floor to be collected and collated electronically. As each operation or activity is performed, the information is captured by the employees 'swiping' or 'wanding', using bar-code pens,scanners or through direct entry into a data capture time clock.

Reporting Services
FactsheetSYSPRO Reporting Services (SRS) provides high-quality financial and operational reports and documents, together with visual analysis capabilities. The flexibility of SRS means that reports can be designed for almost any requirement. In addition, as the reports are version-independent, they are unaffected during system upgrades.

Office Integration
FactsheetSYSPRO Office Integration (SOI) enables anyone in the enterprise to access information directly and securely from the SYSPRO database using a Microsoft Office product such as Word or Excel, regardless of whether SYSPRO is installed on their client machine.

Workflow Services
FactsheetSYSPRO Workflow Services (SWS) provides the capability to design and enable the streamlined flow of business processes across the eco-system through a fluid and user-friendly interface. It creates a seamless flow between your software and the activities of your employees, suppliers and customers by putting control in your hands. It gives your organisation structure for managing, monitoring and documenting what's been done, what needs doing and what didn't get done (but maybe should have!).

FactsheetSYSPRO Espresso is a mobile solution that lets you use your SYSPRO business software on any popular smartphone or tablet. It allows you to access business processes and data as easily as if you were in the office. SYSPRO Espresso mobile apps can work any time, any place, and on any popular device, providing instant and secure access to information about your customers, suppliers, orders, inventory items and other key business information.

Syspro 8 for Finance
FactsheetFind out what is new in SYSPRO 8 for The Office of Finance to keep you ahead of the game

Syspro 8 for System Administrators and Installers
FactsheetFind out what is new in SYSPRO 8 for Systems Admins and Installers to keep you ahead of the game.

Manufacturing Operations Management
FactsheetSYSPRO's M.O.M solution can help you revolutionise your company to remain competitive in today's market. It provides complete manufacturing life-cycle management from planning, scheduling, publishing, collecting, tracking and analysing, to optimise and improve end-to-end manufacturing operations. Together with SYSPRO's ERP this Manufacturing Execution System (MES) offers a unique level of delivery, cost and quality controls of manufacturing operations for job shop, batch production, production line and mixed mode environments.

Top 6 Procurement Challenges and How to Solve Them
InfographicIn this infographic we provide an overview of the top 6 procurement challenges faced by Manufacturers and Distributors and how SYSPRO ERP capabilities solve them

The Inflection Point for the Factory of the Future
InfographicIn this free, downloadable Infographic, we provide: Key Insights into our recent study into business resiliency during the pandemic, The big reasons behind supply chain disruptions during the pandemic, Emerging industry trends and the technology solutions needed in the “new normal”

Guide to Porter’s Value Chain and ERP
WhitepaperEvery business leader understands the importance of a sound strategy to take their business to the next level. Developing this strategy requires a close analysis of the business and a keen understanding of the key drivers. But knowing what to analyze is sometimes tricky.
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: +44 161 8764 498
: nexsys.info@k3btg.com
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